Aalto Media Lab Student Association DADA Ry is a new student association founded by students of the Media Lab Helsinki of Aalto University.
DADA was founded to support and organise events related to the interests of Media Lab students in a broad sense, to support the members’ professional development and networking during and after studies. The association also aims to promote the fields of study in the Media Lab within the Aalto University and broader society.

We are a student organization for you, no matter where you study or even if you don’t study at all, because we are a group of enthusiasts of art, design and digital creations. Yes, we represent particularly the students of the Media Department at the Aalto University, but don’t let that stop you from joining our ranks. We are a bunch of misfits trying to make and build cool things, organizing workshops and events just for you!
Like mentioned before DADA is particularly a media department students association when it comes to student advocacy, but open to all who are interested in technology, arts, media, sound and game design. We guard the rights of our students and help improve teaching by means of providing complimentary workshops and events in relation to the New Media study program. DADA is also working towards helping its members to network in order to provide those crucial contacts in the “real world”. We spread knowledge about the disciplines studied at Media Lab within Aalto and the society at large by being open and accepting of anyone who wants to join without discrimination of gender, nationality, color and religion.