ÄÄNIAALTO is Aalto Media Lab’s annual audiovisual festival in Helsinki showcasing works, installations and performances. In this third edition we aim to gather striking oddities of sound and new media art in forms of performances, workshops, installations, fixed media works and talks. Some of the topics that gravitate around this edition are: robotic instruments, AI vs human control, intersection between biology and sound, and custom instruments for AV performance, but we challenge the potential participants to present us more intriguing ways of producing, using and manipulating sound.
ÄÄNIAALTO III will take place from the 5th to 10th of March at Kallio Stage, Vapaan Taiteen Tila and Kuusi Palaa. All the events are free of charge!
Here is the full schedule of events
Workshop: ∆∏ o ^¬ devices (a few places available)
Monday 5.3 - Kuusi Palaa 13:00 - 19:00 Workshop
Tuesday 6.3 - Kuusi Palaa 10:30 - 15:30 Workshop
Tuesday 6.3 - Kallio Stage 18:00 Workshop Performance
Workshop: iOS Music (a few places available)
Thursday 8.3. - Vapaan Taiteen Tila 16:00 - 19:00 Workshop 20:00 Workshop Performance
Talks / Fixed Media / Performances
Monday 5.3 - Kallio Stage
17:30 Doors open
18:00 Festival starts
Juan Vasquez: A Chinese Triptych (fixed media)
Asbestos Collective
Prof. Sabine Sanio, Sound Studies UdK: Interesting oddities in artists’ media usage (talk)
Roy Boswell & Noora Palotie: Slavoj Žižek Emerges from the Swamp
Tuesday 6.3 - Kallio Stage
17:30 Doors open
18:00 Festival starts
Juan Vasquez: A Chinese Triptych (fixed media)
Marloes van Son “∆∏ o·\^¬ Devices”-workshop instrument performances (see separate event for more info on the actual workshop)
spEEK(!): Adventure of 21st
Ansaritie: Welcome to Ansaritie
Tytti Arola: Äänitakki 1
Petteri Mäkiniemi
Friday 9.3 - Vapaan Taiteen Tila:
17:30 Doors open
18:00 Festival starts
Juan Vasquez: A Chinese Triptych (fixed media)
Jukka Kääriäinen Solo
Teemu Korpipää
Oblique: »//
Adinkras & Viiksimaisteri: Adinkras & Viiksimaisteri Live A/V
Manialog Collective: Manialog
Saturday 10.3 - Vapaan Taiteen Tila:
17:30 Doors open
18:00 Festival starts
Juan Vasquez: A Chinese Triptych (fixed media)
Jukka Eerikäinen: Aethiopica
Ahva: Musical live performance
⚡️👏: Why the Body/Why My Body
Autotel: Improvisational generative environment
Friday & Saturday 9-10.3 - Vapaan Taiteen Tila
Tytti Arola: Thinking sounds
Liam Turner, Maya Pillai, Laura Meskanen-Kundu: tuneOut v0.2
Kallio Stage: Pengerkatu 11, Helsinki
Vapaan Taiteen Tila: Vilhonvuorenkuja 15-16
Kuusi Palaa: Kolmas linja 7

We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions about the events, you can reach us at dada.mlab@gmail.com