DADA Night
End the semester right and join DADA for one last (official) bash before we take off for the summer! The day after Demo Day, DADA has rented out Otaniemi free space for our enjoyment.
DADA Night takes place on 24th May at space Otaniemi free (Sähkömiehentie 4G, entry via Puumiehenkuja 5) starting at 19:00 - 02:00.
Would you like to perform during DADA night? Please fill out this form so we can arrange everything for you link
Would you like to cook during DADA night? We have a kitchen so please drop us a line on slack or mail (dada.mlab@gmail.com) if you would like to join the cooking!
Upcoming Company Visits
Please join us for another company visit, this time to design/strategy/engineering wunderkind Reaktor! We’ll have a chance to meet with two of Reaktor’s designers and learn more about how Reaktor approaches their work and how they organize the design side of their business.
If you can join us, make sure you register for a ticket (Eventbrite) if you intend to come! Tickets are limited, and limited to DADA members only, so please grab one if you’re sure you can make it.
New Media Program development meeting
This is an invitation to meet on Monday 22.5.2017 at 9:00 - 12:00 in classroom 426 to discuss how to develop and improve the New Media Design & Production major.
If you can’t make it, or want to prepare beforehand, please give us your comments on this questionnaire online. What we are asking is:
KEEP: what is great and absolutely needs to protected in the future UPDATE: what is important, but needs to be renewed for the future (and why) DELETE: what doesn’t work and is not needed ADD: what is missing and should be added to the major
The form should allow anonymous commenting, and since all are open comments you can return and add more comments if you feel you forgot to express something important.
Also, don’t forget to give individual course feedback too - every response IS read and considered.
Past events
We had a perfect Wappu Picnic with IDBM and other nice people! Thanks to everyone who came and/or helped!