- Welcome new members!
- Crash course to Finland sign-up
- Freshmen party “move”
- Pikkuaaniaalto
- Want to join the board?
- Let’s talk about Christmas
Welcome new members!
We try our best to keep our members involved in our activities. So best you try to follow these channels in order to be up to date with our activities and current events
Facebook Website Vimeo good old e-mail: (dada.mlab@gmail.com) and on Slack #dada (requires Aalto e-mail address)
Freshmen party “move”
Join our DADA Checkpoint in the last party ever held in the Arabia campus! Friday 22, September. More info will follow…
(De)tune your synths because DADA is organizing a concert for you, new students!
We are looking for sound/audiovisual performances and live visuals (VJs) by the new students of the department of media. Fill up the open call if you want to perform: http://bit.ly/pikkuaaniaalto (dl. 03/10/17).
More details to follow!
PS. We always need help with these kinds of events and if you want to volunteer in setting this up, get in touch with Sourya either via mail (sourya.sen@aalto.fi) or on Slack (this is open to older students as well)!
Want to join the board?
Our board consists of 13 positions which are divided into: president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, 5 board members and 2 vice-members.
Our official fall meeting will be on Friday 03. November all board members change every year.
So if you have one or more years of studies left consider joining the association. For more info ask any board member or use your preferred channel of communication!
Let’s talk about Christmas
This year’s Christmas party will take place on Thursday 13, December in Rantasauna, Otaniemi.
The party will be organized by our new students, so we are all very excited about what they will come up with!
If you hear about other Christmas parties in the department please tell them that they are welcome to join ours to make it a department wide party!